Saturday, February 23, 2013

Piano Class

I´ve had a performance in my Piano course every week for the past three weeks. It´s exhausting, but paying off.

After playing a series of musicals, the professor, a graduate student, wants me to start playing more traditional repetoire. eek! So she recommended a website and I found gold, aka, everything Chopin ever wrote!! With that, I´m taking on the challenge of Chopin´s Nocture 9 Op. 1.

I´ve been wanting to play an authentic Chopin piece for years (authentic meaning original, not arranged) and here is my window of opportunity. The prof wanted me to play a Mazurka but I couldn´t find one I clicked with. It will be a longer road to play these four pages flawlessly, but I´m imagining my parents standing by the door to listen when they hear me play. I love playing when I think I´m alone only to find my mom doing paperwork behind me by the end of the piece.

It´s as enlivening as my midday swims in Swiss glaciar water.

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